Student's Abstracts

    Hamburan Partikel Berspin 0 dan ½ Dalam Basis Momentum-Helicity
    (Scattering of spin-0 and spin-½ particles in the momentum-helicity basis)
    Irga Abdulrahman     (graduated 2006)
    Supervisor: Imam Fachruddin

    Scattering of 2 particles of spin 0 and ½ is evaluated by means of a technique, which uses the momentum-helicity basis. Using this so called three-dimensional technique, the T-matrix elements are calculated as solution of the Lippmann-Schwinger equation, as well as the differential cross section and the polarization. As input a simple spin-orbit potential model is used. Relativistic kinematics effects are also investigated.

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    Model potensial kaon-nukleon fenomenologis
    (A phenomenological model of kaon-nucleon potential)
    Victor G. P. Matindas     (graduated 2007)
    Supervisors: Imam Fachruddin, Agus Salam

    We make a phenomenological model for kaon-nucleon (KN) interaction. The potential consists of central and spin-orbit terms, with the radial functions being of the Malfliet-Tjon form. The potential parameters are determined by fitting to the KN phase shifts for kaon laboratory energy up to about 230 MeV. The calculation is performed using a so called three-dimensional technique, which uses a basis constructed from the momentum-vector and the helicity eigenstates.

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    Hamburan kaon-nukleon dalam model pertukaran hyperon
    (Kaon-nucleon scattering in hyperon-exchange model)
    Ryky Nelson     (graduated 2007)
    Supervisors: Agus Salam, Imam Fachruddin

    A potential model is made for kaon-nucleon (KN) interaction. This potential is derived from the Feynman diagram for the hyperon exchange reaction of lowest order. This potential is fitted to the KN total cross section to get the coupling constant. The calculation is performed using a so called three-dimensional technique, which uses a basis constructed from the momentum-vector and the helicity eigenstates.

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    Interaksi KN berdasarkan lagrangian efektif
    (KN interaction based on effective lagrangian)
    Lomario     (graduated 2011)
    Supervisors: Imam Fachruddin, Agus Salam

    The KN interaction can be described by a model, i.e. one meson exchange and one baryon exchange model. Both the K^+N and the K^-N interactions are derived using second-order contributions. The contributions of each exchanged particle are investigated. The cross section and some spin observables for the K^+N and K^-N scattering processes based on the first Born approximation are calculated.

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    Model pertukaran hyperon dan sigma untuk hamburan kaon-nukleon
    (Hyperon and sigma exchange model for kaon-nucleon scattering)
    Agus Jarwanto     (graduated 2011)
    Supervisors: Agus Salam, Imam Fachruddin

    A KN interaction model is made. This potential is derived from Feynmann diagrams for hyperon and sigma exchange reactions. The resulting potential is used to calculate the differential cross section and some spin observables.

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    Efek coulomb pada hamburan kaon-nukleon
    (Coulomb effects on kaon-nucleon scattering)
    Fahmi Maulida     (graduated 2012)
    Supervisors: Imam Fachruddin, Agus Salam

    Kaon-nucleon scattering is calculated using a three-dimensional technique. The interaction being used is that of the simple meson exchange model with coulomb admixture. The coulomb interaction being taken is of the type of screened coulomb potential. The scattering cross section and some spin observables are calculated showing some coulomb effects.

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    Efek relativistik pada hamburan kaon-nukleon dalam basis tiga dimensi
    (Relativistic effects on kaon-nucleon scattering in three-dimensional basis)
    Rahadian Nopriantoko     (graduated 2012)
    Supervisors: Agus Salam, Imam Fachruddin

    Kaon-nucleon scattering is formulated in three-dimensional momentum-spin basis. The interaction being used is based on Yukawa potential model with a spin-orbit force. We apply relativistic kinematics and investigate some relativistic effects for various energy on the differential cross section and some spin observables.

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    Perhitungan 3D untuk hamburan K^{+}p dengan efek relativistik
    (3D calculations for K^{+}p scattering with relativistic effects)
    Miranda Rizka Anggraini     (graduated 2014)
    Supervisors: Imam Fachruddin, Agus Salam

    K^{+}p scattering is calculated in a three-dimensional basis applying relativistic kinematics. As input we take a model of meson- and hyperon-exchange interaction up to second order. Relativistic efetcs are observed for various energies on the differential cross section and some spin observables.

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    Verifikasi perhitungan partial wave untuk hamburan K^{+}p
    (Verification of partial wave calculations of K^{+}p scattering)
    Khairi Trisnayadi     (graduated 2014)
    Supervisors: Agus Salam, Imam Fachruddin

    K^{+}p scattering is calculated using the standard partial wave technique in momentum space. The second order contribution of a hadron exchange interaction model for K^{+}N potential is taken as input. This interaction consists of exchanges of a scalar meson \sigma, vector mesons \rho and \omega, hyperons \Lambda and \Sigma. We compare the calculations for the differential cross section and some spin observables with those obtained by means of a three-dimensional technique to verify the convergence of the PW calculations.

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    Verifikasi perhitungan partial wave untuk hamburan K^{+}n
    (Verification of partial wave calculations of K^{+}n scattering)
    L'dy Mascow Abdullah     (graduated 2014)
    Supervisors: Imam Fachruddin, Agus Salam

    K^{+}n scattering is calculated by applying the standard partial wave (PW) technique as well as a three-dimensional (3D) technique in momentum space. The PW calculations are compared to the 3D ones in order to verify the convergence of the PW calculations. The observables being calculated are the differential cross section, the neutron's polarization and depolarization. As input we take a model of K^{+}N interaction based on exchanges of mesons and hyperons up to second order.

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    Efek relativistik pada hamburan K^{+}n
    (Relativistic effetcs on K^{+}n scattering)
    Putu Adi Kusuma Yudha     (graduated 2014)
    Supervisors: Agus Salam, Imam Fachruddin

    K^{+}n scattering is calculated in a three-dimensional momentum space basis. As input we take a model of K^{+}N interaction described as exchanges of mesons and hyperons up to second order. Two kinds of calculations are carried out, that is one with nonrelativistic kinematics and the other with relativistic kinematics. By comparing the two kinds of calculations we observe some relativistic effects on K^{+}n scattering for various energies.

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